Conversion Factors Chemistry Math
1 foot ft 30 48 cm.
Conversion factors chemistry math. The quantity in the problem is multiplied by one or more conversion factors in which the numerator is equal to the denominator. 1 micron μ 10 6 m. 1 inch in 2 54 cm. A simple conversion factor can be used to convert meters into centimeters or a more complex one can be used to convert miles per hour into meters per second.
1 millimeter mm 10 3 m. 1 angstrom a 10 10 m. 1 millimicron mμ 10 9 m. For example say you have a length that is measured in feet and you wish to report on it in meters.
A conversion factor is a factor used to convert one unit of measurement into another. A conversion factor is the number or formula you need to convert a measurement in one set of units to the same measurement in another set of units. 1 kilometer km 1000 meters m 1 meter m 100 centimeter cm 1 centimeter cm 10 2 m. The number is usually given as a numerical ratio or fraction that can be used as a multiplication factor.